Get the regulatory network.
p2g_cutoff = 0.5,
targets = 1,
level = 2
The sample name. Only one sample support.
The motif ID. Only one motif support.
The RDS file obtained by **getPeak2Gene**.
The absolute cutoff of peak2gene correlation. Default: 0.5.
The annotation file obtained by **getMotif2Gene**.
The target only contain TF(1) or contain genes and TFs (2). Default: 1.
Consider only the target genes of your TF of interest (1). Consider not only the target genes of your TF of interest, but also more downstream target genes (2). Default: 2.
getNetwork(sample="Bulk_B", tf="Atf1_MA0604.1", peak2gene="All_Peak2Gene_links.rds", p2g_cutoff = 0.5, motif2gene = m2g)
#> Warning: cannot open compressed file 'All_Peak2Gene_links.rds', probable reason 'No such file or directory'
#> Error in gzfile(file, "rb"): cannot open the connection