Add-ersFunctions that add necessary annotation. |
A function to add the necessary annotation for **CAT**. |
A function to add necessary annotation for foorprinting analysis. |
Check-ersFunctions that check necessary annotation. |
Check for the presence of footprint annotation files. |
Check for the presence of genome annotation files. |
Cal-ersFunctions for calculating. |
A function to help you determine the cluster number before you use **plotClusterSpecificPeak**. |
A function to find the target genes based on specific peaks. |
Get the co-accessible peaks in genome wide. |
A function to get the count file for **chromVAR**. |
A function to get the count file for **GWASNorm**. |
A function to identify the differential peaks between two groups. |
A function to call the differential peak target genes. |
A function to get the footprint score. |
Get the specific gene coordinates and flanks. |
The function to integrate the GWAS enrichment results. |
Get the motifs from JASPAR database (2018). |
Convert motif ID to gene ID. |
Get the regulatory network. |
Calculate the ATAC-to-RNA / Peak-to-Gene links. |
Rank the motif deviation score. |
A function help us look for which genes these SNPs might affect the expression of. |
A function to identify sample specific peaks. |
A function to identify the super enahncers. |
Fitting the ATAC signal along the time. |
Get the fitting time genes. |
Plot the RNA dynamic along the pseudo time. |
Get the top N specific peaks in each sample. |
A function to compare the chromatin accessibility across thress samples. |
A function to get the target genes of triads peak. |
Read beds into list, can be arbitary dir_path. |
Get intersection result which can be used as input of venn/upset plot. |
Update ident of bed_list based on intersection result |
Calculate the overlap interval. |
Read beds into a single tibble. |
Get distinctive records of A. |
Get expression input which can be used in upset plot |
Get keys which can be used in venn plot. |
Determining the merged peak category (Proximal/Distal/Intragenic). Determining the merged peak category (Proximal / Distal / Intragenic). |
Annotating the peaks with ChIPSeeker. |
Calculate distance for matrix. |
A function to calculate the two group peaks enrichment based on Fisher Test. |
A function to calculate the JSD score. |
Calculate pairwised intersection of bed files. |
A function to quantify tissue-specificity as the Specificity Measure (SPM). |
A function to compare the Tn5 signal around the motif in the whole genome. |
Do enrichment analysis with GWAS variants. |
Preprocessing the data for GWAS enrichment. |
PlottingFunctions for plotting in cisDynet. |
A function to help you plot the sample specific peaks with heatmap. |
Plot specific gene ATAC signal and co-accessible with tracks. |
Plot genome tracks with co-accessible information. |
A function used to plot tree clustering result. |
Plot the differential footprint with Volcano, Bar or Lollipop. |
A function to plot the enrichment rsult based on **calFisherPeaks**. |
Draw flower plot which represents the number of merged intervals. |
A function to plot all samples footprint with scatter / heatmap. |
Plot the correlation of footprint score and TF expression. |
A function to plot the insertion fragment size. |
Plot specific gene ATAC signal with tracks. |
A function to plot the GWAS Enrichment Results. |
A function to plot the every cluster target genes GO enrichment. |
A function to compare the GO enrichment result with Network. |
A fucntion to plot MA plot |
Plot the regulatory network. |
Plot all the Peak2Gene links with heatmap. |
Plot specific gene with tracks and peak2gene linkages. |
Plot the PCA plot based on quantification. |
Determining the peak category (Proximal/Distal/Intragenic). |
Plot one gene / one peak scatter plot. |
Plot the sample specific peaks. |
Plot the distance of peak summit to TSS. |
Plot the fitting time ATAC and RNA. |
Plot the specific gene expression along the time. |
Plot the genome signal with tracks. |
A function to plot the triads result. |
A function to plot the Tn5 signal around the TSSs. |
Draw upset plot of bed intersection. |
Draw venn plot of bed intersection. |
A function to plot the differential result. |
OthersOther functions in cisDynet. |
Message with a timestamp. |
Order the rows along with pseudo time. |
Generate window for a given bed file. |
Make SummarizedExperiment for chromVAR input. |
Parse bedpaths as file based path. |
Making quantile normalization for matrix. |
Scale matrix with Z-score. |
Change identity of the beds$rec based on intersection result. |
Draw flower plot. |
Init dataframe which would be used in intersection results based on bed ident. |
loadBigWig |