This function facilitates the generation of Venn plot based on the intersection results obtained from the get_beds() function and get_combine_result()
colors = c("#4E79A7FF", "#F28E2BFF", "#E15759FF", "#76B7B2FF", "#59A14FFF",
"#EDC948FF", "#B07AA1FF"),
opacity = 0.8,
plotsize = 15
A dataframe contains key and value(From get_combain_result())
A list contains records of all bed files(Read by function get_beds())
Color list. Default: Tableau_10
Degree of opacity for the color(s) specified with colors (less opacity, more transparency). Default: 0.8
Default: 15
Ggplot object of venn
# Get beds using get_beds
beds <- get_beds(c('path1', 'path2', ... ))
#> Error in parse_bedpath(bedpaths, pattern = pattern): '...' used in an incorrect context
# Use get_combine_result() to get intersection result
# The processing time may vary depending on the number of sets involved
inputs <- get_combine_result(beds)
#> Error in eval(expr, envir, enclos): object 'beds' not found
draw_venn(inputs, beds)
#> Error in draw_venn(inputs, beds): could not find function "draw_venn"