Plot the differential footprint with Volcano, Bar or Lollipop.
cutoff = NA,
plot_type = c("Volcano", "Bar", "Lollipop"),
scale = 5,
save_path = NA,
file_prefix = NA,
figure_width = 8.21,
figure_height = 8.21
The two sample names to compare.
The cutoff of fold change. Default is NA.
Plot type. Three types are available: "Volcano","Bar","Lollipop".
The path to save PDF file.
The prefix of PDF file.
PDF width. Default is 8.21.
PDF height. Default is 8.21.
plotDiffFootprint(samples=c("NIP_YP1","NIP_YP2"), bindetect_path="/public/workspace/zhutao/encode/CAT",plot_type="Bar",cutoff=0.1)
#> Error in plotDiffFootprint(samples = c("NIP_YP1", "NIP_YP2"), bindetect_path = "/public/workspace/zhutao/encode/CAT", plot_type = "Bar", cutoff = 0.1): unused argument (bindetect_path = "/public/workspace/zhutao/encode/CAT")