Chapter 10 Motif Enrichment

In the above chapter we know which OCRs are differentiated by compared to the treatment group, or the dynamics of changing OCRs in different periods/samples. Now we’re more interested in knowing exactly what kind of motifs these changing OCRs will have. In other words, what exactly are the important TFs that determine the differences between your different samples?

The most common way to do this is to use PWM / PFM to go against the sequences in your differential/dynamic OCR to see which TF-bound motifs match the sequences in your differential OCRs. There are already many tools available to help us do this. Common ones are FIMO, AME and SEA in the MEME toolkit, to name a few. So we’re not developing a new approach here, what we’re doing is taking existing tools and making them work well and compatible with our cisDynet. Here, we will mainly consider AME, FIMO, TOMTOM from the MEME toolkit. thankfully, Nystrom SL has implemented these functions in R already. We will further wrap these functions to match our cisDynet.

10.1 ChromVAR

counts <- getCount(sample_list=c("Bulk_B", 
                   peak_suffix = "_peaks_unique.narrowPeak.bed")
##                    Bulk_B  Mem_B Naive_B Plasmablasts CD8pos_T
## chr1:9910-10596       119    152     103          185      163
## chr1:564574-570175 454341 410439  515101       280478   526103
## chr1:713757-714733   1496   1341    1621          991     1288
## chr1:750692-750842      2      0       0            0        0
## chr1:752562-752915     14     14       4           30       19
## chr1:762339-763292    490    477     564          381      480
##                    Central_memory_CD8pos_T Effector_memory_CD8pos_T Naive_CD8_T
## chr1:9910-10596                        135                      154          50
## chr1:564574-570175                  266369                   425560      396896
## chr1:713757-714733                    1255                     1284         451
## chr1:750692-750842                       0                        5           0
## chr1:752562-752915                      41                       53           6
## chr1:762339-763292                     361                      451         136
##                    Gamma_delta_T Effector_CD4pos_T Follicular_T_Helper
## chr1:9910-10596              116               126                 144
## chr1:564574-570175        254157            495122              361234
## chr1:713757-714733          1182              1546                 816
## chr1:750692-750842             4                 0                   0
## chr1:752562-752915            51                46                  21
## chr1:762339-763292           551               465                 260
##                    Memory_Teffs Memory_Tregs Naive_Teffs Regulatory_T
## chr1:9910-10596             129          237          74          154
## chr1:564574-570175       300415       295119      421663       347173
## chr1:713757-714733         1235          569         885          397
## chr1:750692-750842            1            0           0            0
## chr1:752562-752915           72           14           7            6
## chr1:762339-763292          463          207         290          163
##                    Th1_precursors Immature_NK Mature_NK Monocytes  pDCs
## chr1:9910-10596               114          91       128       160    53
## chr1:564574-570175         400776      104315    138450    172779 96076
## chr1:713757-714733           1089         886       836       461   112
## chr1:750692-750842              0          13         3         0     0
## chr1:752562-752915             18          49        24        46    10
## chr1:762339-763292            392         651       558       164    31
fragment_counts <- makeSummarizedExperiment(counts)
## 2023-10-23 15:31:51 Making SummarizedExperiment object...
fragment_counts <- addGCBias(fragment_counts, genome = BSgenome.Hsapiens.UCSC.hg19)
motifs <- getJasparMotifs2018()
motif_ix <- matchMotifs(motifs, fragment_counts, genome = BSgenome.Hsapiens.UCSC.hg19)
dev <- computeDeviations(object = fragment_counts, annotations = motif_ix)
dev_score <- deviationScores(dev)

getRankMotif(deviation_result = dev)
## 2023-10-23 15:35:37 Computing the variability...