Chapter 16 Other Utils

16.1 Super Enhancer

Super Enhancers (SEs) are a specific type of gene regulatory region found in chromatin. They represent continuous and large open chromatin regions that are enriched with transcription factor binding and play a significant role in regulating gene expression.

SE <- getSuperEnhancer(sample_list = c("Bulk_B",
                 peak_path = "F:/cisDynet/example/peaks/",
                 peak_suffix = "_peaks_unique.narrowPeak.bed",
                 N_top = 2000)
##   chrom     start       end peak_len                     peak
## 1  chr1    564574    570175     5601       chr1:564574-570175
## 2  chr6 143265261 143269026     3765 chr6:143265261-143269026
## 3  chr4  15003156  15006459     3303   chr4:15003156-15006459
## 4  chr6 119668798 119671885     3087 chr6:119668798-119671885
## 5  chr6  58776385  58779433     3048   chr6:58776385-58779433
## 6  chr4 185393609 185396587     2978 chr4:185393609-185396587

We can use the plotTracks function to visualize this block.

plotTracks(samples_path = "F:/cisDynet/example/signal/",
           samples_suffix = "",
           chr = "chr1",
           start = 564495 - 1000, 
           end = 570261 + 1000,
           peaks = "F:/cisDynet/example/MergedPeaks.bed")
## Warning: Removed 2 rows containing missing values (`geom_rect()`).
## Warning: Removed 1 rows containing missing values (`geom_segment()`).

16.2 Peak Fisher Test

The fisher test helps us to test whether two datasets are related. We take TF ChIP-seq as an example here to test the differences in transcription factors of different clusters of peak enrichment obtained earlier.

peak <- list.files("F:/cisDynet/example/enrich/", pattern = "_peaks.bed$", full.names = TRUE) 
tfbs <- list.files("F:/cisDynet/example/TFBS/", pattern = ".bed$", full.names = TRUE)
res <- calFisherPeaks(peak_a = peak, peak_b = head(tfbs, 50))
## 2023-10-23 19:19:51 Fisher testing for 10 x 50.
##    estimate       p.value   conf.low conf.high
## 1  1.541440  1.185133e-01  0.8190687  2.642936
## 2  1.537256  9.394381e-02  0.8934648  2.468511
## 3  2.213015  5.499898e-03  1.2358489  3.660488
## 4  6.203789  1.148844e-10  3.8295834  9.516538
## 5 10.108004  6.785026e-30  7.3700750 13.543631
## 6 20.200819 5.264431e-159 17.2126880 23.569503
##                               method alternative              Peak1
## 1 Fisher's Exact Test for Count Data   two.sided Cluster1_peaks.bed
## 2 Fisher's Exact Test for Count Data   two.sided Cluster1_peaks.bed
## 3 Fisher's Exact Test for Count Data   two.sided Cluster1_peaks.bed
## 4 Fisher's Exact Test for Count Data   two.sided Cluster1_peaks.bed
## 5 Fisher's Exact Test for Count Data   two.sided Cluster1_peaks.bed
## 6 Fisher's Exact Test for Count Data   two.sided Cluster1_peaks.bed
##                    Peak2
## 1          AP-2alpha.bed
## 2          AP-2gamma.bed
## 3 ARID3A_(NB100-279).bed
## 4   ARID3A_(sc-8821).bed
## 5      ATF1_(06-325).bed
## 6    ATF2_(SC-81188).bed
plotEnrich(fisher_res = res,scale_size = c(1,8))

16.3 SNP2Gene

With the Peak2Gene linkage obtained earlier, we can further annotate SNPs to help us to filter which SNPs may affect gene expression or phenotype. We can use the getSNP2Gene function to perform this.

snp2gene <- getSNP2Gene(snp = "F:/cisDynet/example/snp2gene.snp",
            peak2gene = "F:/cisDynet/example/All_Peak2Gene_links.rds")
##          SNP                     Peak            Gene Correlation      P_value
## 2  161155391 chr1:161154886-161155643 ENSG00000143258   0.4698867 1.546109e-03
## 3  161155391 chr1:161154886-161155643 ENSG00000158869  -0.5120015 4.442859e-04
## 7  161155391 chr1:161154886-161155643 ENSG00000158859  -0.4596825 2.097911e-03
## 9  161155391 chr1:161154886-161155643 ENSG00000158864   0.6088835 7.193641e-05
## 11 161155391 chr1:161154886-161155643 ENSG00000143258   0.4698867 1.546109e-03
## 12 161155391 chr1:161154886-161155643 ENSG00000158869  -0.5120015 4.442859e-04
##          Type       TSS Distance
## 2  Intragenic 161129240    26024
## 3  Intragenic 161185024   -29760
## 7  Intragenic 161168846   -13582
## 9  Intragenic 161166894   -11630
## 11 Intragenic 161129240    26024
## 12 Intragenic 161185024   -29760